Sunday, August 16, 2015

The 10 Super-Heroes I’d Like To See Done PROPERLY In The Movies

I just finished a blog about the 10 villains I’d like to see done properly in the movies, so let’s just say that the introduction is the same as that one.  I don’t try to even out DC and Marvel heroes, nor do I list them in the order of preference or importance.  There may even be some that have been in movies already that I’d like to see redone and redone properly.  All that being said, let’s cut to the meat of it.

1.)  The Flash:  Come on, arguably the most powerful of all the heroes in the DC Universe and he’s been absent?  “Most Powerful”?  Come on, what about Superman?  (this is you saying this to me in case it’s unclear).  Yes, the most powerful (this is me again).  He can run super fast, he can travel in time, he can mess with the time stream, he can vibrate through walls, and other things you already know.  I think he is out and out a powerhouse.  Not muscle-wise, but in other ways.  He’s been done on TV (done poorly, but he has been done), now let’s get him into a movie....but done properly.

2.)  Ghost Rider:  But, but, but hasn’t he already been in a couple of movies?  Yes, he has, but not done well.  If you’ve seen the movies you know what I’m talking about.  Voted by many as the worst comic character movies ever made, Ghost Rider was a disaster.  With updated CGI and better actors that Nicholas Cage there should be no reason that one of the coolest characters in comicdom can’t be remade into a huge hit.

3.)  Grendel:  The only one to make it on both of my lists, Grendel is a versatile character.  Books could be written about the arguments you could make with this character.  First, Grendel is not DC or Marvel.  In fact, you may not even know Grendel.  If you don’t, get some of the books you won’t regret it.  Second, for those of you who do know Grendel, which version should be used?  The male?  The female?  The young?  The old?  The Villain who fought Batman and The Shadow?  The “hero” who tried to escort a child safely across dangerous lands?  Who cares....just put Grendel in a movie and make him/her/it look awesome!  Grendel is, perhaps, my favorite comic character of all time.  I have the books, statues, etc.  A big thanks to Matt Wagner who made Grendel possible.

4.)  Doctor Strange:  The one time Sorcerer Supreme is a great candidate for his own film.  I know there one is in the making.  Let’s hope they do it right.  It won’t take much...get a strong actor...put him in a well made costume....add some special effects to show his magical might...add script and shake well and you have a movie!  Have him square off with any of the fan favorite villains and you should have a success!  Is there a doctor in the house?

5.)  Martian Manhunter:  I have mixed emotions about this one.  His character in the comic books is so powerful it is said that he could beat Superman in an all out fight to the death.  Yet, it is rare that they show him as being so formidable.  That could be rectified by showing him as the juggernaut that he is in a movie.  Start with his origin, show why he came to Earth, and then give him a solo project away from the Justice League.  CGI would be needed to give the full breadth of his power, but Guardians of the Galaxy showed that CGI can be made to look as real as real can be.  

6.)  Midnighter:  Hands down one of my top 5 favorite characters Midnight is an incredible hero that deserves a shot at the silver screen.  With his ability to think a fight all the way through before it even begins, put him up agains Jet Li or something creative like that.  Again, just a guy in a costume would  do it along with some well choreographed fight scenes. Sure, he’s been with The Authority and Stormwatch, but let him go solo on this gig.

7.)  Grifter:  With all the shoot-em-up Rambo like movies that have made it big, how could they have not made a film with Grifter in it?  Incredible reflexes, down and dirty, guns-a-blazing, and a hanky covering his face, Grifter is a character worthy of his own flick.  Put him in the next Expendables movie next to Sylvester Stallone or in a Full Metal Jacket II.  He’ll quickly become a fan favorite, I can guarantee it.

8.)  Iron Fist:  Again, with all the successes had by the martial arts films I am stunned that there hasn’t been an Iron Fist movie.  As both DC and Marvel have used up their top characters in films already this would be the perfect time to introduce Iron Fist and his origin.  It’s a cool story and could make for some great special effects.  You would draw the male demographic, the martial arts demographic, and the women who like guys with dragons on their chest demographic.  No matter how you spin it an Iron Fist movie would be awesome!

9.)  Scarlet Spider:  If you don’t know the origin of the Scarlet Spider I’m going to need you to research it yourself.  It’s far too in-depth for me to elaborate on here.  The long and short of it is that the Scarlet Spider is a stronger, cooler, more agile version of Spider-Man minus the ethics.  Scarlet Spider pretty much marches to his own drummer and if that means beating up an old lady, so be it.  It’s everything Spider-Man would never be except for the fact that he’s a clone of Peter Parker.  Wait, I said I wouldn’t get into that.  If you want to really juice up the ratings, put him in a movie with would be double the fun!

10.)  Cloak and Dagger:  Yes, I know it’s two super-heroes but it still counts as my tenth choice.  Not only do Cloak and Dagger have a great background that is relevant to this day and age they are also a powerful duo.  With Cloak able to send people to some nether realm Dagger being all beautiful and able to throw daggers of light, this team would translate well to the big screen.  The only drawback?  They aren’t exactly household names like Wolverine or Superman.  All characters started there, however, and the way to bring them out is through advertising and making them into kid’s meal toys.  Bring this pair to the general public and watch people swoon.

Well, there you have it.  The top 10 super-heroes they should bring to the big screen if they agree to do them PROPERLY.  It’s high time to start moving away from Batman 12 and Superman 17.  Give them a rest.  You’re running out of ideas and it shows.  Bring people up from the bench and watch the box office overflow.

Give me your feedback, who would you choose?

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