Tuesday, July 14, 2015

My Controversial Views on The Suicide Squad Movie

I know there has been a great deal of hype about the upcoming Suicide Squad movie including all the hype about Will Smith playing a "white" character.   I happen to have my own strong opinions about this.

First, let me say that I like Will Smith as an actor.  He was awesome in I, Robot and MIB, I also liked him in his more serious roles.  In my opinion Will Smith is a versatile and talented actor.  I have read people trashing him and saying his is nothing more than the Fresh Prince, but I disagree.  I like him very much.

Second, anyone who knows me would not associate me in any way, shape, or form with racism.  Frankly, as a person who has hired many people over his life, I don't look at the color of skin, gender, etc.  Everyone has talent and their race or gender has nothing to do with it.

Third, I am a comic purist.  Someone who believes that comics and their movies, should accurately reflect one another.  My rationale is simple...why make the comics one way and the movies another?  The whole reason that the major comics are getting rid of their multiverses is because it's all getting too damn confusing.  I'm also the one who likes to see a band play a song in concert the way it is on the album (sigh, who remembers albums besides me?).  Some can argue that they already have the album, they want to hear it a different way in concert.  Tomato...um...Tomahto?  (how the heck do you spell Toe-Mah-Toe?).  Anyway, if I read it one way, I don't want to see it another in a movie.  It's really no different from someone who has read an excellent book, then saw the movie, and said, "The book was better."  This is what I say after virtually every Stephen King movie.

With those three things in mind (yes, I started a sentence with a preposition) I write this article.  So, as controversial as it may sound, read on....

I really HATE when they have african-american characters played by caucasians (I don't know what the politically correct nomenclature is for "white" people, so I'm going with caucasian.  If you're insulted, I apologize.  I, myself, am caucasian).  I also HATE when caucasian people are played by  african-american people.  Here's why...

We live in a society where people are offended a little too easily.  Me?  You would have to work hard, plan ahead, and choose the proper wording in order to offend me.  Some others, however, have a hair trigger.  Chances are my statement about what I HATE has offended some people because they think it's a race thing, and I don't like african-americans, however those people are completely off base.

For instance, I really despise the fact that Will Smith is playing Deadshot.  In the comics Deadshot is a caucasian male who hates people of all races, creeds and kinds except himself.  Sure, he and Catman (who did not make the movie despite being in the Suicide Squad since rocks were soft) had what may be construed as a friendship.  That being said, Deadshot would turn on anyone in an instant given the chance.

One could argue that I said when I hire people I don't look at the color of their skin and it doesn't matter, but this is different.  I would cast Will Smith for any number of roles, except for that of a caucasian super hero.  Now, before you cry racist, let me give you a couple more examples.

Would you cast "Black Lightning", which is an awesome character, or "Black Spider", or the "Black Panther" or "The Falcon" as caucasian?  Of course not!  You would have a half dozen humanitarian groups crying about how that's a racist move and it should never have been allowed.  I would be one screaming as well, but simply from a comic purist point of view.  I wouldn't cast a cool character like Amanda Waller with a caucasian woman either.  They are all proud, non-caucasian characters (I only say non-caucasian because I don't want to misrepresent any of the characters and their culture.)

The Suicide Squad has had it's african-american powerhouses like Black Manta or the Bronze Tiger.  Will Smith would be an incredible Black Manta!!

This is not a race thing, it's a purist thing.

Yikes, this is only the first thing I don't like about the upcoming move.

The next is the characters they chose to represent the Suicide Squad:

Harley Quinn?  Perfect!  She's been on the Squad for quite some time.

Deadshot?  Perfect!  He's been on the Squad for quite some time as well.

The Joker?  Um, well, OK.  I love the character, but he looks terrible in the promo picks and he's not really the type to take such a deal from the government.  As he can pretty much escape any time wants, and he has some many sentences his chance of getting out legally is nil, he could care less about doing something dangerous for time off his sentence.

The Enchantress?  Sure, she's been on the squad before, she's a decent pick.

Killer Croc?  Really?  This was a lousy pick and the makeup is even worst.  They have taken an awesome character and turned him into a weakling.  He should TOWER over the other characters and be huge.  But, no, they put terrible makeup on a guy and pushed him out as Killer Croc.  Yuck.

El Diablo?  Sure, he was on the Squad before.  He has a great power set and the makeup appears to be well done.  I agree with this one.

Slipknot?  Debatable.  Sure he was a member of the Squad before, but he's never done well against anyone.  Fighting Firestorm he lost, fighting the Tattoed Man (who is incredibly poor as a villain) he loses his arm and had it replaced with a bionic one, and later on when Deathstroke captures him so the Tattooed Man can kill him (in revenge for killing his son) Slipknot dies.  When your power is making incredibly strong ropes and mastering ropes your bound to get your hide tanned.  Yes, he can be on the team, but there were many better choices available.

Captain Boomerang?  Perfect!  He's been on the Squad and is an on and off member.  Keep him.

Rick Flag?  (or Rick Flagg depending on who you talk too)  Perfect!  He led the Squad in WWII and was the only survivor and then became a member of Task Force X when asked by Harry S Truman.  He's like Captain America without the Super Soldier serum.  Keep him.

Lastly, read my post on Jared Leto as the Joker and how he is being portrayed.  Ugh.

Next thing you know Darkseid will be green, the Black Cat and Wonder Woman will be men, and The Flash will be a woman.  For the movie?  Why not cast Darkseid with Peter Dinklage?  Please, no hate mail on this as it's purely to illustrate a point.  You wouldn't cast a football player as the Jockey in a horse race either.

My point?  Let's just keep it true to the comics.

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